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Soutenue le 17 Novemebre 2021: Manuscrit --- Planches
Key words : Lattice Boltzmann Method, multi-component flows, porous fluids, computational fluid dynamics, aeroacoustics, GPU
Positions for 2023
- PhD. thesis position in 2025:
- "Modelling wind farms in non-neutral atmospheric boundary layer using Lattice Boltzmann methods" See Details... Available right now !
- Master thesis position in 2026:
- "LBM simulation of non-linear Acoustics" See Details... Available right now !
- 2023 - 2026 : "Development of porous wall model for high Reynolds numbers using lattice Boltzmann simulations" , PhD thesis of Leo Roussel, co-supervised with Chloe Mimeau from M2N laboratory
- 2022 - 2025 : "Study and developement of a realtime LBM/GPU solver for interactive CFD" , PhD thesis of Erwan Zamora-Medina. JENII project WP2, part of ANR DEMOES
- 2022 - 2024: "Computation of non-linear acoustics in cylinder duct". In collaboration with JB.Doc
- 2020 - 2023: PhD student - Alexandre SUSS: "Study and design of an hybrid LBM/Navier-stokes solver for aerodynamic and aeroacoustics simulations." In collaboration with ONERA.
- 2021 - 2022 : "Characterisation of unsteady wakes aroud porous body flows" In collaboration with C.Mimeau and I. Mortazavi
- 2019 - "Comparison of Remeshed-Vortex method and lattice Boltzmann method for incompressible simulations". In collaboration with C.Mimeau and I. Mortazavi
- 2016 - PhD student - Lucien Vienne: "Study of multi-component and miscible mixing flows by the lattice Boltzmann Method."
- 2016 - "Study of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability by the Lattice Boltzmann Method" in collaboration with Virginie Daru
- 2015 - "Developement of adaptive filtering technique for the lattice Boltzmann method" in collaboration with Xavier Gloerfelt
- 2014 - PhD student - Lorris Charier: "Hybrid RANS/LES modeling for reactive and multi-component flows over rocket-launcher after-bodies."
- 2012 - PRACE Project: "Simulation of supersonic Mixing layer with temperature gradient", in collaboration with Matteo Bernardini, Sergio Pirozoli and Francesco Grasso
- 2011 - Postdoctoral fellow at the Jean Lerond d'Alembert Institute(Paris 6): "Advanced methods for the analysis of unsteady flows. " in collaboaration with Philippe Druault and Hadrien Lambaré li>
- 2009 - Postdoctoral fellow at CNES: "Study and reduction of aerodynamic unsteady loads on the Vulcain 2 engine nozzle of the Ariane 5 rocket." in collaboration with Hadrien Lambaré
- 2008 - Postdoctoral fellow at ONERA : "Experimental optimization of separated and reattached flows from ZDES numerical simulations." in collaboration with Sebastien Deck and Pierre-Elie Weiss
PhD thesis: "Study of the Lattice Boltzmann method for aeroacoustic simulations."
Directed by Pierre Sagaut and Denis Ricot.
Unseady wake behind a porous (top) and a solid (bottom) sphere for Re=300
LBM multicomponent simulation of the saffman-Taylor instability with Peclet number 5000
LBM simulation of the unsteady wake of a cube at Re=1000
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability for Atwood=0.5 and Re=4096. (Left:Vorticity -- Right:Density)
Time evolution of the Q criterion colored by kinetic energy for of Taylor-Green vortex at Re=1600. LBM simulation performed on a 2563 grid. See the isosurface here
Evolution de l'Intensité acoustique moyenne en aval des fentes d'Young. LBM simulation of Young slits.
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the sound radiated by a 2D square cylinder at Re=100.
Key words : Fluid mechanics, Lattice Boltzmann method, Computational Fluid Dynamics, aeroacoustics, Thermodynamics.Certificat de spécialisation en Ingénierie Spatiale
Publications & Conferences
2024- [Conf 23] A. Suss , I. Mary , A. Jost , T. Le Garrec , S. Marié:
"ONERA’s Cassiopee/FAST CFD platform: a flexible framework for comparing and coupling the lattice Boltzmann and Navier-Stokes methods" DSFD 2024, ETH-Zurich, 2024 , - [Journal 15] C. Mimeau , S. Marié , L. Roussel , I. Mortazavi:
" Wake prediction in 3D porous-fluid flows: a numerical study using a Brinkman penalization LBM approach" Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2024, Vol 112, 273–301
- [Talk 2] S. Marié:
"Unsteadiness in porous media with Lattice Boltzmann method" UKCOMES December’s Technical Meeting, Durham University, 2023 Invited Speaker, - [Journal 14] A. Suss , I.Mary , T. Le Garrec , S.Marié:
" A hybrid Lattice Boltzmann - Navier-Stokes method for unsteady aerodynamic and aeroacoustic computations." Journal of Computational Physics, 2023, Vol 485, 112098 - [Conf 22] A.Suss , I. Mary , T. Le Garrec , S.Marié:
"A hybrid lattice Boltzmann - Navier-Stokes method on overset grids" AIAA AVIATION, San-Diego, CA, USA, 2023 AIAA-paper 2023-3433, - [Journal 13] A. Suss , I.Mary , T. Le Garrec , S.Marié:
" Comprehensive comparison between the lattice Boltzmann and Navier-Stokes methods for aerodynamic and aeroacoustic applications." Computers and Fluids, 2023, Vol 257, 105881
- [Conf 21] C. Mimeau , S. Marié , I. Mortazavi
"The Brinkman penalization technique for porous-fluid media: a Lattice Boltzmann and semi-lagrangian vortex method comparison." DLES 2022, Udine (Italy), 2022 , - [Conf 20] A. Suss , T. Le Garrec , I.Mary , S.Marié:
"Extended comparison between lattice Boltzmann and Navier–Stokes solvers for unsteady aerodynamic and aeroacoustic computations" ICMMES 2022, La Rochelle (France), 2022 ,
- [Conf 19] Alexandre Suss , Thomas Le Garrec , Ivan Mary , Simon Marié , Xavier Gloerfelt:
"Design of a hybrid Lattice-Boltzmann/Navier-stokes solver for aerodynamic and aeroacoustics simulations" ICMMES 2021, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2021 , - [Journal 12] C. Mimeau , S. Marié , I. Mortazavi:
" A comparison of semi-Lagrangian Vortex method and Lattice Boltzmann method for incompressible flows" Computers and Fluids, 2021, Vol 224, 104946 - [Journal 11] L. Vienne , S. Marié:
" A Lattice Boltzmann study of miscible viscous fingering for binary and ternary mixtures" Physical Review F, 2021, Vol 6(5), 053904
- [Journal 10] S. Marié:
" On the use of adaptive relaxation times in Lattice Boltzmann Methods" Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal, 2020, Vol 22 - 3, 131-138
- [Journal 9] L. Vienne , S. Marié , F. Grasso:
" Lattice Boltzmann model for miscible gases: a forcing term approach" Physical Review E, 2019, Vol 100 (2), 023309 - [Conf 18] Lucien Vienne , Simon Marié , Francesco Grasso:
"Lattice Boltzmann model for miscible mixtures: application to the viscous fingering instability" ICMMES, Edimbourgh, UK, 2019 , - [Conf 17] Simon Marié , Xavier Gloerfelt:
"Adaptive relaxation times for aeroacoustic simulations." ICMMES 2019, Edimbourgh, UK, 2019 , - [Conf 16] Lucien Vienne , Simon Marié , Francesco Grasso:
"Simulation of Viscous Fingering Instability by the Lattice Boltzmann Method" AIAA AVIATION CFD, Dallas, USA, 2019 AIAA-paper 2019-3432, - [Talk 1] Simon Marié:
"Nature convective et diffusive de la méthode de Boltzmann sur Réseau." Séminaire du LIMSI, Orsay, 2019 ,
- [Conf 15] S. Marié , L.Vienne , X. Gloerfelt:
"Consistent filtering for lattice Boltzman simulation of aerodynamic noise." 27th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics , Worcester, USA, 2018 , - [Conf 14] L.Vienne , S. Marié ,F. Grasso:
"Lattice Boltzmann method for the simulation of miscible gases." 27th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics , Worcester, USA, 2018 , - [Conf 13] L. Charrier , G. Pont , S. Marié , P. Brenner , F. Grasso:
"Hybrid RANS/LES simulation of a supersonic coaxial he/air jet experiment at various turbulent lewis numbers" Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, , 2018 137, 337-346
- [Conf 12] L. Vienne , S. Marié , F. Grasso:
"Lattice Boltzmann simulation of a multicomponent viscous fingering instability at high Schmidt number " 14th ICMMES conference, Nantes, France, 2017 , - [Conf 11] L. Charrier , G. Pont , S. Marié , P. Brenner , F. Grasso:
"Simulation of a supersonic coaxial He/Air jet experiment with a hybrid RANS/LES variable turbulent Schmidt number model" 23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Denver, CO, USA, 2017 AIAA-paper 2017-4280, - [Journal 8] L. Charrier , G. Pont , S. Marié , P. Brenner , F. Grasso:
" Simulations of reactive supersonic/subsonic flow interactions for space launcher applications." International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow., 2017, Vol, - [Journal 7] S. Marié , X. Gloerfelt:
" Adaptive filtering for the lattice Boltzmann method." Journal of Computational Physics, 2017, Vol 333C, 212-226
- [Conf 10] L. Charrier , G. Pont , S. Marié , P. Brenner , F. Grasso :
"Hybrid RANS/LES simulation of a supersonic coaxial He/Air jet experiment with variable turbulent Prandtl and Schmidt numbers" 6th HRLM Symposium, Strasbourg, France, 2016 , - [Conf 9] S. Marié , V. Daru:
"On the use of adaptive filtering with multiphase lattice Boltzmann models." 13th ICMMES conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2016 , - [Conf 8] L. Charrier , M. Jubera , G. Pont , S. Marié , F. Grasso , P. Brenner:
"Simulations of reactive supersonic/subsonic flow interactions for space launcher applications on FLUSEPA solver." 51st 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics., Strasbourg, France, 2016 FP32-2016,
- [Journal 6] S. Pirozzoli , M. Bernardini , S. Marié , F. Grasso:
" Early evolution of the compressible mixing layer issued from two turbulent streams." Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2015, Vol 777, 196-218 - [Conf 7] S. Marié , X. Gloerfelt:
"Dynamical selective filtering for the Lattice Boltzmann Method" 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference , Dallas (USA), 2015 AIAA-paper 2015-2514,
- [Journal 5] S.Marié , P.Druault , H. Lambaré , F.Schrijer:
" Experimental analysis of the pressure-velocity correlations of external unsteady flow over rocket launchers" Aerospace Science and Technology, 2013, Vol 30-1, 83-93
- [Conf 6] S.Marié , H.Lambaré , P.Druault:
"A modal overview of the unsteady loads induced by the Ariane-5 base-flow" 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences. , St-Petersbourg (Russia), 2011 ,
- [Conf 5] S.Marié , H.Lambaré:
"On the unsteady loads induced by the bluff body wake of the Ariane 5 rocket" 6th IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations, Capri (Italy), 2010 , - [Journal 4] S.Marié , S.Deck , P-E.Weiss:
" From pressure fluctuations to dynamic loads on axisymmetric step flows with minimal number of kulites" Computers and Fluids, 2010, Vol 39-5, 747-755
- [Journal 3] D.Ricot , S.Marié , P.Sagaut:
" Lattice Boltzmann Method with selective viscosity filter" Journal of Computational Physics, 2009, Vol 228-12, 4478- 4490 - [Journal 2] S.Marié , D.Ricot , P.Sagaut:
" Comparison between lattice Boltzmann method and Navier-Stokes high order schemes for computational aeroacoustic" Journal of Computational Physics, 2009, Vol 228-4, 1056-1070
- [Conf 4] Y-H. Dong , S. Marié , P. Sagaut:
"A study of subgrid models in lattice Boltzmann-based large eddy simulation" 22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide (Australia), 2008 Mechanics Down Under - 11443, - [Conf 3] D.Ricot , S.Marié , P.Sagaut:
"Grid refinement in LBM based on continuous distribution functions" 5th ICMMES conference, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2008 , - [Journal 1] Y.Dong , P.Sagaut , S.Marié:
" Inertial consistant subgrid model for Large Eddy Simulation based on Lattice Boltzmann method" Physics of Fluids, 2008, Vol 20-3, 035104
- [Conf 2] D.Ricot , S.Marié , P.Sagaut:
"Lattice Boltzmann Equation with selective viscosity filters" 4th ICMMES conference, Munich (Germany), 2007 , - [Conf 1] S.Marié , D.Ricot , P.Sagaut:
"Accuracy of the Lattice Boltzmann method for aeroacoustic simulations" 13th AIAA Aeroacoustic conference, Rome (Italy), 2007 AIAA-paper 2007-3515,